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4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan

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4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan
4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan
4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan
4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan
4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan
4th dari dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan Juli bintang 3D berdiri bel Liberty Amerika dekorasi pesta keluarga Hari Kemerdekaan

Tentang produk

  • Desain patriotik yang unik: Dekorasi atas meja Hari Kemerdekaan bulan juli ini menghadirkan desain bel kebebasan dan elang Amerika yang memukau, sempurna untuk menambahkan sentuhan patriotik pada setiap kamar. Desain yang disesuaikan tersedia, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang bagus bagi pengguna yang ingin mempersonalisasi dekorasi mereka.
  • Bahan berkualitas tinggi: terbuat dari kayu lapis basswood dan dibuat menggunakan pemotongan laser dan teknik pencetakan UV, dekorasi ini tahan lama dan tahan lama. Bahan berkualitas tinggi memastikan bahwa ia akan bertahan uji waktu dan tetap merupakan tambahan yang indah untuk setiap rumah.
  • Opsi kustomisasi: Sebagai pabrik khusus, kami menawarkan layanan kustomisasi, memungkinkan pengguna untuk menambahkan logo atau desain mereka ke produk. Ini membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang sangat baik untuk bisnis dan individu yang mencari untuk menciptakan dekorasi yang unik dan dipersonalisasi.
  • Pengiriman cepat: dengan waktu sampel 1-3 Hari dan minimal pesanan 100 buah, produk ini dapat dengan cepat dikirim sesuai kebutuhan pengguna. Ini ideal untuk pengguna yang perlu memesan dekorasi untuk acara atau pesta menit terakhir.
  • Tahan lama dan mudah untuk dirakit: Produk ini dirancang untuk perakitan dan pembongkaran yang mudah, membuatnya sederhana untuk dipasang dan disimpan. Desain yang tahan lama juga memastikan bahwa dapat digunakan kembali dari tahun ke tahun, membuatnya menjadi investasi yang bagus bagi pengguna yang ingin menciptakan kesan tahan lama.

Atribut produk

Spesifikasi industri

Pemotong Laser/pencetakan UV
Tema perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan

Atribut lainnya

Product Type
Dekorasi Rumah Hari Kemerdekaan
Place of Origin
Guangdong, China
Brand Name
Hui Bao
Tentang Kami
Kami adalah pabrik kustom
Menerima Logo yang disesuaikan
100 Pcs
Layanan kustomisasi disediakan
Kayu lapis pohon linden
Tas Opp
Waktu sampel
1-3 hari kak
Desain kustom dapat diterima
Dekorasi Rumah Hari Kemerdekaan
Cetakan UV

Pengemasan dan pengiriman

jual Unit:
item tunggal
ukuran paket tunggal:
20X20X20 cm
tunggal berat kotor:
0.200 kg

Estimasi waktu

Belum yakin? Coba dulu sampelnyaPesan sampel


Maks. pesanan: 1 meter 1 Buah
Harga sampel:
Rp 168.368/Buah

Custom barang

Deskripsi produk

Hi there, This is juan from hui bao. We'd like to explain why sometimes our price is higher than others. One company whose selling price for us is only enough to buy material. we don’t know how they can make it, so we ordered their products (with other name of course). Then we found some facts. We cannot say all the rest are same like them, but at least we know one possibility. Since product cost and profit is transparent, if price is unusual, someone must take a short cut.
1. The attitude.
We never believe such samples can be provided to customer! These are definitely defects and should be thrown away! Dirty,
deformed, stains, wrong cut, poor packaging. But they can ignore all of this and regard it as a product.

2. The material.
The material is a huge difference. We use basswood plywood, they use poplar plywood. Their material is at least 40%-50% lower than our material. Why we use basswood? Because this kind plywood has very clear wood grain, it looks like the real wood, perfect
choice for crafts.
Second its surface is very smooth, gives a good quality feeling.
But poplar plywood, its color is quite white and without any natural wood grain. The surface is really rough. With PS, customer
cannot see this difference, but when having the product in hand, will see this big difference.

3. Details.
They have no ANY polishing. No matter small marks, big and serious marks, they don’t polish. We know polishing is the most headache job for a factory. Because it creates dirt, nobody want to do it even with higher money. However, if some burns and marks
are already affected the product quality and look, you have to remove it by any means. Also polishing costs a lot of time. We devote time and money on polishing to guarantee the quality, this is invisible unless customer start to work with us.And there are many wrong cuts due to they adjust their machine to the highest speed. In this way can save much time and cost but very easily get wrong cutting. The cutting lines are not fluent, circle is not round, pattern is not exactly same as the drawing.
And we normally use 3 different speed based on the different designs. Our designer edit every drawing to make sure the cutting is
perfect and save us time at most.

Factory Introduction
Welcome to Huibao Wooden Craft Products Co., Ltd.! With over 20 years of experience, we specialize in producing high-quality wooden craft products. Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery including laser cutting, laser engraving, UV printing, Punch press and CNC machines, we pride ourselves on delivering precision and creativity in our products.

Our product range is to design and produce various wooden crafts including seasonal crafts, home decoration, children's toys. A popular project at our company is the painting craft, which gives our customers the opportunity to paint whatever they want on their decorations. Our creative team can produce over 10 designs per week. The company built a new factory and office in 2005, covering an area of 16,670 square meters, with 7 buildings covering an area of approximately 14,200 square meters. In order to meet customers' needs, Hongye created its own QC team. We are committed to providing customers with quality products at competitive prices and on-time delivery services..
we operate on a self-production and self-sales model, overseeing everything from raw material procurement to manufacturing, sales, and after-sales service, ensuring the quality and reliability of our products.
Manufacturing advantages We have advanced production equipment and technical teams that can flexibly respond to various customization needs and ensure stable and reliable product quality. We focus on technological innovation and quality control, and continuously improve production efficiency and product performance.


Laser cutting machine: 50+
Laser engraving: 10+ UV printing: 5+ Hydraulic press: 5+
Hydraulic Press
UV printing
CO2 engraving
Material Selection.

Basswood plywood

Poplar plywood



Title goes here.

Workshop shooting
This Is A Great Product For Diy! We Have Carefully Designed A Variety Of Tree-Shaped Hanging Ornaments. Their Original State Presents The Texture And Beautiful Texture Of Natural Wood, Providing You With A Perfect Creative Space. You Can Decorate These Hanging Ornaments According To Your Own Preferences And Imagination, Whether It Is Painting, Stickers, Or Adding Other Decorations To Make Them More Consistent With Your Home Style And Festive Atmosphere.
Hello Dear You, We Have Many Customers Who Sell On Amazon, Etsy, Ebay Or Their Own Website. It Enables Us To Be Familiar With These Platform'S Packing And Shipping Requirements. We Can Help You Custom The Packaging You Like. Like Customized Boxes, Adding Logo, Stick Barcode, Adding A Thank You Card. Our Workers Are Quite Experienced In This Process. We Have Confidence To Help You With This Packaging Step With Professional Service And Reasonable Budget.


Please allow me to say Thank You! Thank you for spending time to read, and even read here. ❥(^_-)
I know, this short page cannot answer all possible questions or even solve any physical issues. If you would like, please write tome, we can continue our discussion and I promise you'll have a reasonable or even wonderful solution for your project.
Expecting you! ❤❤❤
100 - 499 Buah
Rp 25.256
500 - 4999 Buah
Rp 21.888
>= 5000 Buah
Rp 16.837


Pilihan:5 Color;2 Size.
Pilih sekarang

Color(5): A



Please contact us for custom sizes

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