Newest(It is random when shipping)
as the datasheet
Referensi Silang
{-8-as the datasheet
Media, Tersedia
Lembar Data
Max. tegangan maju
as the datasheet
Max. tegangan balik
as the datasheet
Max. maju saat ini
as the datasheet
Max. reverse saat ini
as the datasheet
as the datasheet
Tegangan-Peak Reverse (Max)
as the datasheet
Saat Ini Rata-rata Diperbaiki (Io)
as the datasheet
Tegangan Ke Depan (Vf) (Max) @ Jika
as the datasheet
Saat Ini-Reverse Kebocoran @ VR
as the datasheet
Suhu operasi
as the datasheet
Mounting Type
as the datasheet
Diode Konfigurasi
as the datasheet
Tegangan-DC Reverse (VR) (Max)
as the datasheet
Saat Ini Rata-rata Diperbaiki (Io) (Per Diode)
as the datasheet
as the datasheet
Reverse Waktu Pemulihan (Trr)
as the datasheet
Kapasitansi @ VR F
as the datasheet
Saat Ini-MAX
as the datasheet
Ketahanan @ Jika F
as the datasheet
Disipasi Daya (Max)
as the datasheet
Kapasitansi Rasio
as the datasheet
Kapasitansi Rasio Kondisi
as the datasheet
Q @ VR F
as the datasheet
as the datasheet
Tegangan Zener (NOM) (VZ)
as the datasheet
as the datasheet
as the datasheet
Impedansi (Max) (ZZT)
as the datasheet
New and original.
180 days without legs soldered.
Note 1
Good package with fast delivery!
Note 2
Marked price reference only, 24hours quotation is real.
Note 3
Import customs tax fee is buyer's responsibility!