Fabric Type
Wol wol krep beludru Taffeta Satin
Muslin nilon/kasmir wol kasmir 100% bambu
Pattern Type
Leopard, Animal, Floral, Character, Print, Surat, Paisley, Patchwork, Plaid, Striped, DOT, Cartoon
Antik, Manis, Formal, Gothic, Hip Hop, Meratakan jalan, Office Lady, Bohemian, Chinese Style, HIGH STREET, ENGLAND STYLE, Japan Style, Preppy Style, Sexy & Club, Indie Folk, Moto & Biker, Safari Style, Sense of quantity, Wrap and Tie, Kaftan, Utility, Cute, Modest, Pesta, Romantic, Seksi & Klub, Vacation, Y2K, Nautical, ELEGANT
Anti-static, anti-wrinkle, Breathable, Dry Cleaning, Sustainable, Washable, TRANSLUCENT
Crystal, Button, Renda, Rivet, Diamonds, bow, Hole, Tassel, Pockets, Ruffles, Embroidery, Draped, Beading, Sequined, Feathers, Zippers, hollow out, Sashes, Cascading Ruffle, Appliques, 3D Pocket, Ruched, Belt, machine embroidery
7 days sample order lead time
Fabric Weight
100 120 140 160 220 180 240 260gsm
Logo position
Front, Back, Left Sleeve, Right Sleeve, lower hem
Silk screen printing, Digital printing, silicone printing, embroidered, Puff Printing
Printing Methods
Cetak timbul timbul pencetakan transfer panas Digital
Weaving method
Rajutan nonwoven rajut
Place of Origin
Guangdong, China
Fashion Element
Potongan atas warna kontras potongan tipis lapisan Chino
Winter, Musim panas, Spring, Autumn
Pakaian pesta musim gugur musim panas musim dingin
Linen sutra PU/nilon katun/katun
Pesta malam klub pesta kehidupan sehari-hari
Setengah pergelangan tangan katun/poliester
Bergaris hewan putri karakter
Ikat celup bordir rajutan buatan tangan dicuci
Lengan pendek Puff tali Spaghetti
Tea-length Simple Spring Cap sleeve
Atasan Crop warna kontras potongan
Tabung Retro klasik Formal dasar
Lokasi asal
Tiongkok Guangdong
Gaya lengan
Tanpa lengan lengan topi lengan pendek bahu dingin
Ramping warna permen/warna permen
Streetwear pesta seksi wanita dress mewah Muslim
Bel lengan kupu-kupu mengembang
Tangki pernikahan lengan kelelawar 3D
Pesta ulang tahun, bahkan, Formal, liburan
Nilon Spandex/katun poliester/nilon Linen