LED Pencahayaan, Lampu sorot led, Lampu strip led, Lampu langit-langit led
Tempat penggunaan
Shopping Mall, Supermarket, Toko Ritel, Etalase pameran
Tempat asal
Guangdong, China
Nomor model
neck scarf kiosk
Portabel, Ringan, Tahan lama, Easy Clean
Application site
Shoes, bag,gift,neck scarf etc
Design deposit will refund
Modern, creative,antique, romantic
Bottom protection
Yes-covering with stainless steel
Display shelf/showcase
Tempered glass and MDF
Surface finish
High glossy Baking paint
LED decoration
YES-with LED strip/lamp
Time for design
3 to 5 working days
Special requirement
Available,neck scarf kiosk