Aplikasi sistem kontrol

(20689 produk tersedia)

Aplikasi sistem pengenalan pembuluh darah AI Di mesin kontrol akses kantin Perusahaan

Aplikasi sistem pengenalan pembuluh darah AI Di mesin kontrol akses kantin Perusahaan

Siap Kirim
Rp 5.657.678 - 6.123.604
Minimal Pesanan: 2 Set
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 236.957
2 yrsCNPemasok
AE1 Car Top Intercom Lift Parts for Elevator Equipment Modern Design <strong>Controller</strong> for Hotel <strong>Application</strong> 57609835

AE1 Car Top Intercom Lift Parts for Elevator Equipment Modern Design Controller for Hotel Application 57609835

Siap Kirim
Rp 316.165 - 665.610
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Pak
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 258.922
4 yrsCNPemasok
Custom AI-Integrated Smart Home <strong>Control</strong> App

Custom AI-Integrated Smart Home Control App

Rp 16.623.588 - 49.904.044
Minimal Pesanan: 2 Unit
3 yrsINPemasok
LTE BLE 4G PLC, Wifi EtherCAT EtherNET Industrial <strong>Applications</strong> PLC IoT Plc Programming <strong>Controller</strong>

LTE BLE 4G PLC, Wifi EtherCAT EtherNET Industrial Applications PLC IoT Plc Programming Controller

Siap Kirim
Rp 2.046.749 - 2.312.992
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Buah
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 197.686
2 yrsCNPemasok
Q1000 Universal Durable Waterproof Industrial Wireless Remote <strong>Control</strong> for Crane

Q1000 Universal Durable Waterproof Industrial Wireless Remote Control for Crane

Siap Kirim
Rp 2.329.632
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Set
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 557.781
verify6 yrsCNPemasok
TCPIP Network 2-Door 4 Door Access <strong>Control</strong> <strong>System</strong> with Wiegand &amp; TCP for Indoor <strong>Application</strong> Card &amp; Code Type

TCPIP Network 2-Door 4 Door Access Control System with Wiegand & TCP for Indoor Application Card & Code Type

Siap Kirim
Rp 499.207 - 599.049
Minimal Pesanan: 5 Set
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 203.178
1 yrsCNPemasok
APB-22MTDL YUMO APB Plc Ethernet Simulator Automatas Programables Micro Plc <strong>Controller</strong>

APB-22MTDL YUMO APB Plc Ethernet Simulator Automatas Programables Micro Plc Controller

Siap Kirim
Rp 1.530.901
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Buah
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 432.646
1 yrsCNPemasok
Baru SGDV-3R8A01A PLC PAC & pengendali khusus Servo Drive ekspedisi pengiriman dalam kotak

Baru SGDV-3R8A01A PLC PAC & pengendali khusus Servo Drive ekspedisi pengiriman dalam kotak

Siap Kirim
Rp 5.740.879
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Buah
Pengiriman per potong: Rp 549.128
verify1 yrsCNPemasok
Siemens Siemens Siemens modul sistem alat mesin CNC

Siemens Siemens Siemens modul sistem alat mesin CNC

Rp 332.804.560 - 399.365.472
Minimal Pesanan: 1 Buah
verify2 yrsCNPemasok